Thursday, April 30, 2009

Halibut, my favorite fish in the sea

I never used to be very big on fish. Tuna sandwiches maybe, but that was about it. My grandmother brought back some fresh Halibut from Alaska a few years ago and I've been hooked ever since! It's very expensive out my way, so when it goes on sale I buy extra and freeze it. This isn't really a recipe, since I do as little as possible to it so I don't take away from the flavor, but I thought I'd post it anyhow!


Halibut filet
salt and pepper
olive oil

Combine equal amount olive oil and butter in saute pan and heat on medium high heat. Season fish on both sides with salt and pepper, then dredge lightly through flour. Saute in pan about 6 minutes per side. Serve with steamed veggies.

**Yes, that is boxed Julienne potatoes you see there. Don't hate, we love them!


Jenna said...

I love Halibut too. But a bit pricey, where did you find it on sale?

Tonda said...

wow you dont eat much veggies :)
its very good with lemon juice on it too

The Gurganious Family said...

It was $11.99 per lb at Staters (it's usually $16.99!!). And Tonda I do eat veggies! That was hubbies plate, and he doesn't eat the ones I give him anyhow. ;)

Jodi P. said...

Josh fished in Alaska and brought back Halibut. Unfortunately we are almost out! I'd love to know when it's on sale so I can stock up. I have a special seasoning I'll have to give you to try on it. It's delish!