Friday, October 24, 2008

School Lunch gone Japanese!

I saw these mentioned on another blog, and had to check them out for myself. These are Japanese lunch boxes called Bento Boxes. They sell dividers, and small silicone cups to divide the food, and silverwear. The thing I found so exciting is how much they can help with portion control! We are so apt to send our kids to school with a "snack size" bag of chips, box of raisins, etc., and all of these are huge portions. The Bento box can help cut down on sending a too-big lunch with you kids which they will either a)throw most of it away, or b)eat all of it and be too stuffed to pay attention in class. Brilliant, and inexpensive. I bought a box, silverwear, dividers, cups, and rice molds for only $6!!! I paid $10 for my sons lunch box this year, and nothing fun inside of it either! This is the way we will be going from now on.

Check them out: Bento Boxes

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